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Associate of technical studies (ATS) degree

The associate of technical studies (ATS) degree is awarded for the successful completion of a program in technical education that is individually planned by the student and advisors to meet a specific need that is not available in any of the current programs.

This interdisciplinary program is intended for the individual who has been gainfully employed in an occupation for several years and is interested in obtaining credit for previous training and experience as well as additional coursework to enhance career opportunities. A minimum of 18 semester hours must be earned in the major area of concentration. A committee composed of the major and minor department chair and the major division dean will work out the program of study with the student. Final approval will be granted by the provost of the College.

All associate degree programs must contain a minimum of 30 semester credit hours of technical courses, 15 semester credit hours each of basic related and general studies courses. The program must identify the course in each of these areas that will meet the educational needs of the individual.

The educational program must be approved prior to the student’s having earned 30 semester hours of credit at the College.

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