Career Services

Employer resources

List a job opportunity with Stark State

Connecting your workforce needs to our Stark State talent

Recruiting and networking with Stark State students is simple and effective.

START HERE – Create an account on Handshake

Start by requesting an employer account on our FREE online job board, Handshake – the nation’s premier job board to connect employers with Stark State talent. Choose specific majors to target when you post full-time, part-time, internship, apprenticeship and co-op opportunities for Stark State students and alumni to access and apply. You can also recruit directly by searching by major for student resumes and can view and register for our upcoming events and career fairs.

Quick steps to create your account

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your email address and password, then click sign up.
  3. On the next page, fill out the appropriate information then click next: employer guidelines.
  4. Read the employer guidelines, terms of service, and privacy policy
  5. Once you’ve indicated whether or not you’re a third-party recruiter, click next: confirm email.
  6. When your confirmation email arrives, click the confirm email button to verify your account.
  7. Connect with or create your company:
  • If your company already exists in our system, you can click request to connect with that company and then select next: connect to schools.
  • If an incorrect company is suggested or if no company pre-populates, you can use the search bar to find your company. If your company does not exist within our system, click the create new company button.
  1. Create a job posting, for your open position. See here for step by step details.
  2. Connect with us – search “Stark State College,” under “post to more schools”, then click the blue “Post” Button
    If you already have a Handshake account and want to connect with Stark State:
  3. Click “Jobs” on the left-hand navigation panel once logged in to your Handshake account.
  4. Click the position(s) that you would like to share
  5. Click the “Schools” tab at the top of the specific job position
  6. Search for Stark State College, under “post to more schools”
  7. Click the blue “Post” button

Recruiting options

OPTION 1 – Career Update email blast

Career Services emails all current SSC students and alumni with a list of career updates. These job postings come from employers who’ve recently posted on Handshake and request that we share their opportunity. After your position is posted, just email Career Service at with the job ID# and posted position title and we’ll include your position in our email blast. We highlight just 10 positions per email, as well as employer planned recruiting events on a first-come, first-served basis. If our list is full for the current week, we’ll let you know we’re highlighting your position in the next email.

OPTION 2 – Recruiting tables

Are you interested in networking with students face-to-face? Come to campus and host a recruiting table. Spend a few hours promoting your company’s open positions and upcoming events in a high-traffic location that best suits your preferred audience. We offer this opportunity during fall and spring semesters. Please email Career Services, at a minimum of two weeks in advance of your preferred date. We’ll let students and faculty know you’ll be on campus, along with your table location and times. Many employers choose to set up their table just as they would at a career fair to gain maximum student attention.

OPTION 3 – On campus & virtual career fairs and events

We offer a variety of boutique and major-wide career fairs events based on in-demand jobs. For a full list of offerings and to register for these events, visit Handshake at To view the full menu of each semester’s events,

OPTION 4 – Social Media

Each week we will spotlight an employer and/or job posting via Instagram and Facebook. Availability is limited and on a first come, first served basis. To utilize this option, please share the Handshake job ID # as well as your company logo with Career Services,

Employer Recruiting Guidelines

Employers must read and comply with our guidelines

The Career Services Office (CSO) of Stark State College endorses and abides by the Principles for Professional Practice and the Professional Standards for University Relations and Recruiting set forth by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). For a complete copy of NACE’s guidelines on Principles for Professional Practice or on Offers to Students and Confidentiality, please visit:

Career Services adheres to the aforementioned policies and guidelines to ensure the quality of our services and reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time.

All decisions regarding recruiting services provided to companies or organizations are made at the sole discretion of the CSO. The CSO reserves the right to remove postings that do not comply with our policies, are misleading or are determined to be fraudulently placed without notice.

Recruiting guidelines

  1. The CSO and Stark State College adhere to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) guidelines and offer employment without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, citizenship, or identity as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era unless legally required. Furthermore, in good faith, the Career Services Office works only with those employers who subscribe to the EEO guidelines.
  2. The CSO does not recommend or select candidates for employers.
  3. Employers are expected to maintain the confidentiality of student information, regardless of the source, including personal knowledge, written records/reports, and computer databases. An employer shouldn’t disclose information about candidates to another organization without prior written consent, unless necessitated by health and/or safety considerations.
  4. Companies must provide specific information about their organization, including a valid website, corporate email, contact information (personal emails not preferred) and a detailed job description.
  5. While unpaid internships are accepted in Handshake, we encourage you to review the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to determine whether your internship is in compliance with federal law. Approval of these positions is not an indicator of legal compliance. The United States Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division provides Fact Sheet #71 to help you determine whether your internship complies with federal law.
  6. Your job postings or e-mail communications may not contain anything that is sexually explicit, obscene, libelous, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, or hateful; or anything that is embarrassing or offensive to another person or entity.
  7. You may not use your job postings or e-mail to post advertisements or solicitations for employment in the pornography industry, the gambling industry, or post pyramid schemes.
  8. Third-party recruiter services may be granted on-campus recruiting privileges or attendance at career fairs, only if they are recruiting for full-time positions within their own organizations, not for their clients.
  9. Third-party recruiters who are hiring for positions outside their own organization may be granted job posting privileges, but must clearly state both the company name as well as the fact that you represent a third-party firm recruiting on behalf of the company.
  10. Job postings will not be approved for companies involved with the use, production, testing or distribution of recreational or medical marijuana.

Prohibited job postings

  • Opportunities that involve multi-level marketing, a start-up fee, commission-only compensation, independent contract (1099) status (i.e. that may require the individual to bear product expenses, be responsible for income taxes, and may not guarantee worker’s compensation or unemployment insurance), or other irregular arrangements will not be approved for posting or for participation in recruiting events.
  • All positions that would employ students for a private individual (i.e. babysitter, tutor, caretaker, photography, etc.) or at a personal residence.

Additional Resources

Create your Handshake account
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