Gateway Center

Ohio Transfer 36

The transfer of credits from one Ohio public college or university to another has now been guaranteed with the development of Ohio Transfer 36 by the Ohio Department of Higher Education for students with acceptable academic records.

Students may take advantage of Ohio Transfer 36, which guarantees the transfer of a minimum of 36 semester credit hours of specified courses from Stark State to any Ohio public college or university and vice versa in different subject areas: 1) English Composition and Oral Communication, 2) Mathematics, Statistics and Logic, 3) Arts and Humanities, 4) Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5) Natural Sciences.  The table below provides a detailed listing of Ohio Transfer 36 courses students may take at Stark State.

Students who successfully complete the Ohio Transfer 36 at one public college or university (such as Stark State College) will have met the Ohio Transfer 36 requirements of the college (university) to which they transfer. However, students may be required to meet additional general education requirements. Students are encouraged to meet with counselors at both institutions to receive the necessary information and advice. A student must complete all minimum General Education requirements in Ohio Transfer 36 in order to ensure complete transferability of all Ohio Transfer 36 credits.

Information about the transfer of college credit can be found at the Ohio Department of Higher Education.

For further information, please call the Office of Admissions at 330-494-6170, ext. 4228 or 1-800-79-STARK.

Stark State College is committed to equal opportunity for all and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender, national origin, military status, pregnancy, disability, age, genetic information, or sexual orientation.

Instructions: Ohio Transfer 36 consists of 36 semester credit hours of courses in English Composition and Oral Communication;  Mathematics, Statistics and Logic; Arts and Humanities;  Social and Behavioral Sciences; Natural Sciences. Students should follow these directions in selecting courses for Ohio Transfer 36.

A student must complete all minimum general education requirements in Ohio Transfer 36 in order to ensure complete transferability of all Ohio Transfer 36 credits.

  1. Select courses that satisfy the minimum requirements of Ohio Transfer 36 (24 semester credit hours) from introductory courses listed in column two (general education requirements applied to Ohio Transfer 36 minimum).
  2. Select courses that satisfy the remainder of the requirements of Ohio Transfer 36 (12 semester credit hours) from the courses listed in columns two and/or three (additional general education requirements needed in Ohio Transfer 36).

Completion of the requirements of columns two and three will fulfill the requirements of Ohio Transfer 36. The student’s transcripts will reflect completion of Ohio Transfer 36.

NOTE: Be sure to check with a counselor or advisor to ensure that courses selected for completion of Ohio Transfer 36 and associate degree are appropriate for your major and will transfer to the college/university selected.

OHIO TRANSFER 36 CURRICULUM effective summer 2022
Semester Credit Hours apply for Stark State College students. Hours precede course number.

Minimum General Education Requirements Applied to OT36
(24 semester hrs)

Additional General Education Requirements Applied to OT36
(12-16 semester hrs)
I  English Composition and Oral Communication
(Oral Communication – column B)
3 semester hours
3 ENG124 3 COM121
3 COM122
3 ENG221
3 ENG230
3 ENG231
II  Mathematics,
Statistics and Logic
3 semester hours
3 MTH118
3 MTH124
3 MTH124A and MTH124B
4 MTH125
3 MTH130
5 MTH135
5 MTH135A and MTH135B
4 MTH223
4 MTH223A and MTH223B
4 MTH224
4 MTH225
3 MTH226
3 MTH227
Additional hours from approved OT36 courses in column A
III  *Arts/Humanities
6 semester hours from two different disciplines
3 ENG233
3 ENG234
3 ENG235
3 ENG236
3 ENG237
3 ENG239
3 ENG240
3 ENG241
3 HIS121
3 HIS122
3 HIS221
3 HIS222
3 PHL122
Additional hours from approved OT36 courses in column A
IV  *Social and Behavioral Sciences
6 semester hours from two different disciplines
3 PSY121
3 SOC121
3 PSC121
3 PSY123
3 PSY124
3 PSY220
3 PSY221
3 PSY131
3 SOC122
3 SOC123
3 SOC225
3 BUS122
3 BUS221
3 BUS222
Additional hours from approved OT36 courses in column A
V   Natural Sciences
6 semester hours
(One Lab course required)
3 BIO101
4 BIO121
4 BIO122
4 BIO126
4 BIO127
3 BIO128
3 BIO129
3 BIO130
4 BIO141
4 BIO142
4 BIO200
4 BIO221
4 BIO241
4 BIO242
4 CHM100
4 CHM101
3 CHM105
4 CHM123
4 CHM205
5 CHM 141
5 CHM141A and CHM141B
5 CHM142
5 CHM241
5 CHM242
4 GEO141
4 PHY101
4 PHY105
4 PHY121
4 PHY122
5 PHY221
5 PHY222
Additional hours from approved OT36 courses in column A


24 12

*Courses in Areas III and IV must be from two different disciplines.


(Total of Columns A and B)
OT36 contains 36-40 semester hours of course credit.
(Note:  You can obtain a catalog/brochure that lists the courses approved for transfer from the transfer institution.)

English Composition and Oral Communication
Effective Speaking – COM121
Interpersonal Communications – COM122
College Composition – ENG124 (TME001 First Writing)
Technical Report Writing – ENG221 (TME002 Second Writing)
Business Communication – ENG230 (TME002 Second Writing)
College Composition II – ENG231 (TME002 Second Writing)
Mathematics, Statistics and Logic
Quantitative Reasoning – MTH118
Statistics – MTH124, MTH124A and MTH124B (TMM010 Introductory Statistics)
College Algebra – MTH125 (TMM001 College Algebra)
Trigonometry – MTH130 (TMM003 Trigonometry)
Precalculus – MTH135, MTH135A and MTH135B (TMM002 Precalculus)
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I – MTH223, MTH223A and MTH223B (TMM005 Calculus I)
Analytical Geometry and Calculus II – MTH224 (TMM006 Calculus II)
Analytical Geometry and Calculus III – MTH225 (TMM018 Calculus III)
Linear Algebra – MTH226 (TMM019 Elementary Linear Algebra)
Ordinary Differential Equations – MTH227 (TMM020 Elementary Differential Equations)
Arts and Humanities
British Literature: Med to 1785 – ENG233
British Literature: 1785 to Present – ENG234
Introduction to Shakespeare – ENG235
American Literature: Colonial to 1865 – ENG236
American Literature: 1865 to Present – ENG237
Film Appreciation – ENG239
Women’s Literature – ENG240
Major Modern Writers – ENG241
US History I-To 1877 – HIS121
US History II-From 1877 – HIS122
World Civilization to 17th Century – HIS221
World Civilization from 17th Century – HIS222
Ethics – PHL122
Social and Behavioral Sciences
General Psychology – PSY121
Human Growth and Development – PSY123
Industrial/Organizational Psychology – PSY124
Social Psychology – PSY220
Abnormal Psychology – PSY221
Psychology of Personality – PSY131
Political Science – PSC121
Basic Economics – BUS122
Microeconomics – BUS221
Macroeconomics – BUS222
Sociology – SOC121
Society and Technology – SOC122
Dynamics of the Family – SOC123
Natural Sciences
Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology – BIO101
Anatomy and Physiology I – BIO121
Anatomy and Physiology II – BIO122
Science, Energy and the Environment – BIO126
Human Biology – BIO127
Climate Studies – BIO128
Meteorology – BIO129
Ocean Studies – BIO130
General Biology I – BIO141
General Biology II – BIO142
Ecology – BIO200
Principles of Microbiology – BIO221
General Genetics – BIO241
Cell and Molecular Biology – BIO242
Applying Chemistry to Society – CHM100
Introduction to Chemistry – CHM101
Introduction to Forensic Science – CHM105
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry – CHM123
General Chemistry I – CHM141, CHM141A and CHM141B
General Chemistry II – CHM142
Forensic Chemistry – CHM205
Organic Chemistry I –  CHM241
Organic Chemistry II – CHM242
Physical Geology – GEO141
Principles of Physics – PHY101
Physics I – PHY121
Physics II – PHY122
Astronomy – PHY105
General Physics I with Calculus – PHY221
General Physics II with Calculus – PHY222
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