Discover Stark State (Akron)
SSC Akron 360 Perkins St., Akron, OH, United StatesDiscover how Stark State College can help you find a major and career that fits you. Learn more and RSVP at
WEATHER ALERT: Due to the current weather conditions, all day and evening classes at Stark State College main campus and all locations are cancelled today, Thursday, Jan. 16.
Discover how Stark State College can help you find a major and career that fits you. Learn more and RSVP at
main campus // cafeteria Come join Student Diversity & Equity Outreach on resources for Native American Heritage Month.
Atrium Come celebrate our first-generation community members as we dedicate time to educate the campus community on the experiences of a first-generation students, faculty and staff. All students, faculty and staff welcome!
SSC Akron // Atrium Come join Student Diversity & Equity Outreach on resources for Native American Heritage Month.
main campus // cafeteria Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. The goal of this acknowledgement is to raise visibility for transgender people and address issues the community face. (visit
SSC Akron // Atrium Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. The goal of this acknowledgement is to raise visibility for transgender people and address issues the community face. (visit
main campus // S100 Students on campus can grab a FREE care package to help prep them for finals week. Enjoy some sweets to assist with your study sessions! Available to the first 100 students at each campus!
Mon., Dec. 4 // 11:30 am - 1 pm // main campus • S205 Franklin University will be on main campus to demo their NEW Pathway Portal. This portal helps students determine how many credits successfully transfer from SSC to Franklin towards completing a bachelor’s degree and which additional courses can be completed at SSC to save money.
SSC Akron // Atrium Students on campus can grab a FREE care package to help prep them for finals week. Enjoy some sweets to assist with your study sessions! Available to the first 100 students at each campus!