Getting real about fake news – STUDENT SUCCESS WORKSHOP
Learn about different types of sources for your research. This workshop will review sources types including primary sources. 25-minute online session.
WEATHER ALERT: Due to the current weather conditions, all day and evening classes at Stark State College main campus and all locations are cancelled today, Thursday, Jan. 16.
Learn about different types of sources for your research. This workshop will review sources types including primary sources. 25-minute online session.
You can change your future by changing the way you think. Sounds crazy? It’s not, it’s science. In this session, we will explore how the way you think and talk to yourself can dictate how much you learn and what simple changes you can make to harness the science and impact your future.
+ Chat with 200+ employers interested to talk with students in all majors + Schedule 10-minute individual sessions or register for 30-minute group info sessions with recruiters + Create connections for employment opportunites and future networking + Register on Handshake
>> RSVP at
Learn about different types of sources for your research. This workshop will review sources types including primary sources. 25-minute online session.
>> RSVP at