7 events found.
Week of Events
Spartan Self-Care
Spartan Self-Care
FREE YOGA for all students, staff and faculty 11:30 a.m - 12:15 p.m. // main // G108
Courageous Conversations
Courageous Conversations
College: What you need to know to feel prepared & confident SSC Akron // A200 for registration links and info visit Student Life on mySSC contact: main - Tuck | dtucker@starkstate.edu. SSC Akron - Mark | mhumphrey@starkstate.edu
How to Prepare for a Career Fair
Campus preview and tour | main campus
Campus preview and tour | main campus
Sign up for a small-group campus preview and tour! Individual in-person appointments and virtual appointments with admissions representatives also are available. Click here to learn more and to schedule preview and tour.
Phi Theta Kappa Game Night
Phi Theta Kappa Game Night
4 - 6 p.m. // main // S200 > bring a friend > make a friend > board games > console games