![Choose Ohio First Scholarship](https://www.starkstate.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/choose-ohio-first.png)
We appreciate your interest in Stark State College’s 2024-25 Choose Ohio First program. Due to an overwhelming response, our program is now closed. Applications for 2025-26 will open in March 2025.
This scholarship is funded by the Ohio Department of Higher Education. The Choose Ohio First Scholarship is designed to significantly strengthen Ohio’s competitiveness within STEMM disciplines and STEMM education.
Scholarship awards shall be provided to qualifying students by crediting the student’s account for general fees and instructional fees. The total amount awarded annually is limited according to Choose Ohio First guidelines.
To be eligible to receive an ODHE Choose Ohio First scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria:
- be enrolled in a qualifying, science, technology, engineering, math or medical program of study (see list of ODHE Choose Ohio First approved programs)
- Ohio resident
- US citizen or Permanent Resident
- High school and/or college GPA of 3.0+
- College-ready test scores:
- English: ACUE Writeplacer English 4+ | ACT English 16+ | SAT EBRW 450+
- Reading: NGAR Reading 240+ | ACT Reading 16+ | SAT EBRW 460+
- Math: NQAS Math 250+ | NAAF Math 250+ | ACT Math 19+ | SAT Math 510+