
Additional resources

Career Services

Career services empowers students and alumni to develop career planning & job search skills.

  • Resume help, career fairs, mock interviews and more – you have access to professionals who can help you plan your career and refine your job search skills.
  • Prepare. Connect. Launch.

Meet with your career specialist every semester
330-966-5459 //
Office M104 (main campus)

College Store

You’ll find books, course-related supplies, Stark State gear, jewelry, gifts, cards and more at the College Store

330-966-5452 //
in the Student Center near the cafeteria; auxiliary textbook store in G105 (main campus).

and in Akron:
330-494-6170 ext. 4612 //
near the front entrance

English Language Learner Lab

Designed to help all Stark State students who are English language learners with speaking, reading, and writing in English.

330-494-6170 ext. 4600
Room G200b (main campus)

Food services

From bowls to wraps, pizza to salads and more, you won’t go hungry on main campus. The cafeteria is in the Student Services Building near the College Store, and you can see each week’s menu and hours on mySSC. Vending machines are also available in various spots throughout the college to tide you over when the cafeteria’s not open.

Gateway Student Services

A central location where you can get your questions answered about financial aid, registration or connection to your advisor.

If you have questions or need additional help, reach out using the contact information below. We’re here for you!


For important information about Stark State’s commencement ceremony including date, time, location, etc., visit

For graduation applications, requirements and procedures, current students can go to the My Stuff under pages on mySSC or stop in the Gateway Center. The registrar also can answer questions about graduation.

Help Desk Services

This is your first line of technical support for the Stark State campus community. You can get technical support and answers to technical questions.

Go to for info and support.

330-494-6170 ext. 4357 (HELP)
Office B219 (main campus)


mySSC is your “portal” to your course and student information – and plenty more. You’ll be assigned a user name and password so you can access lots of info and resources. You’ll want to stay up to date by checking mySSC and your college email every day.

 Social media

Join the Stark State social media conversation:

Dr. Para Jones Twitter

Student handbook and planner

Pick up a copy of the free student handbook and planner in the College Store and other spots around campus to help organize your hectic life. You’ll have lots of College info at your fingertips and a place to jot down all your need-to and want-to.

Tuition and fees

The cashier’s window in S300 (main campus) is the spot for paying tuition and fees in person. You also can make payments online via mySSC or in the payment drop box on the third floor of the Student Services Building. There’s an installment payment plan available, too.

330-494-6170 ext. 4060 or 4404, 4573, 4210 or 4317

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