
Scholarships list and information

Think you don’t qualify for scholarships? Think again.

Scholarships myths
You don’t have to …

  • be a certain age. Students of all ages use Stark State scholarship dollars.
  • have financial need. Our scholarships go to students of all income levels.
  • live in a certain area. Stark State scholarship recipients come from all over.
  • pass a test or have a high GPA. Many scholarships are based on other factors.
  • pay back the money. It’s a gift from generous donors who want to help you get a good education.
  • fill out lots of complicated forms. Just answer a few easy questions.
Scholarship application


Featured scholarships

New, first-time students taking 12+ credit hours per semester. Must meet two of the following criteria:

  • High school GPA of 3.0+
  • Top 25% of graduating class
  • ACT composite of 22+ | SAT composite of 1110+ or college ready in all 3 of the following individual subjects:
    • English: ACUE Writeplacer English 5+ | ACT English 18+ | SAT EBRW 480+
    • Reading: NGAR Reading 246+ | ACT Reading 18+ | SAT EBRW 480+
    • Math: NQAS Math 263+ | NAAF Math 250+ | ACT Math 22+ | SAT Math 530+

Must attend consecutive semesters as a fulltime student with an SSC GPA of 3.0+ in order to maintain eligibility.

$1,000 awarded each of four semesters; $500 awarded each of two summer semesters (min. 6 hours each session).

Maximum award $5,000

To apply for scholarship – simply apply for admission to the College.

Must be a new, first-time college student. Transfer students are ineligible.

Requires continuous Fall/Spring enrollment for renewal.

Requires 12+ credits for full-time (FT) amount, or 6+ credits for part-time (PT) amount.

$500 awarded each semester for full-time; Maximum award $2,000
$250 awarded each semester for part-time; Maximum award $1,000

To apply for scholarship – simply apply for admission to the College.

To be eligible to receive an ODHE Choose Ohio First scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • be enrolled in a qualifying, science, technology, engineering, math or medical program of study
  • Ohio resident
  • US citizen or Permanent Resident
  • High school and/or college GPA of 3.0+
  • College-ready test scores:
    • English: ACUE Writeplacer English 4+ | ACT English 16+ | SAT EBRW 450+
    • Reading: NGAR Reading 240+ | ACT Reading 16+ | SAT EBRW 460+
    • Math: NQAS Math 250+ | NAAF Math 250+ | ACT Math 19+ | SAT Math 510+

Scholarship Information and Application

Covers tuition and books


Must have passed at least 1 CCP/CTE/ECHS course and have a high school GPA of 2.5+.

Requires continuous full-time status (12+ credits each Fall/Spring) and an SSC GPA of 2.5+ for renewal.

$500 awarded each of the four semesters

Maximum award $2,000

To apply for scholarship – simply apply for admission to the College.

Minimum GPA 3.0 and for full or part-time students. Annual amount and number of awards vary.

Dual-Enrollment Scholarships

Dr. Ahmed Sabe Dual-Enrollment Endowed Scholarship Awarded to a recent Stark County graduate who successfully completed one or more dual enrollment courses offered by Stark State College at a Stark County High School with a minimum GPA 3.0, enrolled full- or part-time. Any student filing their FAFSA before June 1 is automatically considered for Foundation scholarships.

Students of Promise Dual-Enrollment Endowed Scholarship Must be a first-year student at Stark State College., awarded to a recent Stark County graduate who successfully completed one or more dual-enrollment courses offered by Stark State College at a Stark County High School with a minimum GPA 3.0, enrolled full- or part-time. Any student filing their FAFSA before June 1 is automatically considered for Foundation scholarships.

Ron and Ruthanne Wilkof Endowed Scholarship Must be a first-year student at Stark State College. Awarded to a recent Stark County graduate who successfully completed one or more dual-enrollment courses offered by Stark State College at a Stark County High School with a minimum GPA 3.0, enrolled full- or part-time. Any student filing their FAFSA before June 1 is automatically considered for Foundation scholarships.

  • Maximum award of $500 per semester not to exceed 3 years
  • Scholarship must make a direct impact on the students success (last dollar scholarship)
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA
  • New incoming High School students or Current students who recently came directly from High School
  • Must be enrolled full-time
  • Current Students are eligible if they are recommended by a faculty member and the Department Chair and meet the minimum 3.0 GPA

Eligible degrees

Associate of Applied Business

  • Accounting – Computer  Information Technology
  • Computer Programming and Database
  • Web Design and Development
  • Computer Technology
  • Computer Technology – Helpdesk/Computer Support Specialist
  • Computer Programming and Database – Geographic Information System

Associate of Applied Science

  • Computer Network Administration & Security

The Honors Scholarships is designated for students that are accepted into the Honors Program at Stark State College.

Scholarship awards shall be provided to the student by crediting the student’s account for tuition, books, fees, and lab supplies. Scholarship awards may be used for transportation and child care expenses.

Must be a graduate of the Grad 22+ program

Requires continuous Fall/Spring enrollment of at least 6 credits for renewal

Must maintain an SSC GPA of 2.5+ for renewal.

$500 awarded each semester; Maximum award $1,000

To apply for scholarship – simply apply for admission to the College.

  • GPA 2.0 or greater, traditional or non-traditional student, may be full- or part-time
  • Annual amount and number of awards vary of awards vary.
  • Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Foundation scholarships that require additional application include the following

Stacie Cross Paramedic Scholarship 2.0
GCADA Automotive Scholarship 3.0
  • Student must be in a short term certificate program that is not eligible for federal aid.
  • Student must demonstrate financial need by completing the Free Application for Federal Aid ( or by submitting a copy of their latest federal tax return.
  • The maximum award is $2000.
  • The student must submit an application.
  • Deadlines per term:  January 1 for spring, May 15 for summer and August 15 for fall

Degree-Related Scholarships

Donna J. Messer Administrative Office Professional Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5, preference first for a Fairless High School graduate, and must be enrolled in the Administrative Office Professional degree or certificate program. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Betty Jean Morford Memorial Scholarship — awarded to student majoring in administrative services and office applications degree or one-year OBR certificate, traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0, must have completed one semester of full-time coursework. Essay requirement through AOT Department. Student should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships. Application Required.

Art Moyer Scholarship — awarded to students(s) registered in Human and Social Services, AA-Arts, Applied Sociology, or Psychology major, traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.70, and must be nominated by a faculty in the degree areas listed. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Marie Stokes SSC English Department Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to student(s) who declare Associate of Arts and English Major with a minimum of 30 credit hours completed successfully. Traditional student(s) may apply through the English Department and be full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.75 in general coursework and a GPA 3.0 in English coursework. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Ned Saums Memorial Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student enrolled in a public service major, full-time, minimum GPA 3.0, minimum age requirement 25. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Shawn Wenzel Memorial English Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional, part-time students only, minimum GPA 2.7 and enrolled as a English major. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Automotive Department Endowed Scholarship — awarded to automotive traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.60 and have completed a minimum of 10 credit hours successfully. Check with the Automotive Department for an application. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Ed and Helen Bridges Honorary Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50 with a preference for students enrolled in an Engineering or Health degree or certificate. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Bridgestone – Firestone Automotive Engineering Technology Endowed Scholarship — awarded to automotive traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Cain Automotive Engineering Technology Endowed Scholarship — awarded to automotive traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, Stark County resident. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Canton Carnival of Wheels Automotive Engineering Technology Annual Scholarship — awarded to automotive traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Scholarship — Awarded to traditional student(s) graduating from any Akron Public Schools’ High School and enrolled in the Engineering or Automotive Technology programs. Scholarship(s) may be used for tuition, fees and/or required books after all Grants, including Pell, have been applied. Student(s) must maintain at Stark State College a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale, enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credit hours with the maximum award period of two (2) years or four (4) semesters from their original enrollment at Stark State College. This scholarship is a secondary funding source after all Pell Grant has been applied. Maximum per semester, per student award amount not to exceed $1,000.

Greater Cleveland Automobile Dealers Association Automotive Annual Scholarship — minimum GPA 3.0, incoming freshman or current freshman or sophomore student working in a new car dealership in northeast Ohio. Covers tuition, books, lab fees, transportation, and child care fees. Application Required. Deadline, June 1.

Lavery Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student, enrolled in an Automotive degree or certificate, have a recommendation from the Automotive Department for this scholarship, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale.  The award covers tuition, books, and lab fee, the student(s) may be full- or part-time,. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Donnie Martin II Memorial Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional first-time higher education students), must have a minimum high school GPA of 2.6 and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 2.6 on a 4.0 scale, enrolled in an Automotive Technology degree, may be full- or part-time, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Must be recommended by the Automotive Department. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Stark County Auto Dealers Association (SCADA) Automotive Engineering Technology Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to graduates of a Stark County high school or county contiguous to Stark; or employee of a current SCADA-member business; automotive engineering technology major. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Robert and Hortense Bobbitt Endowed Scholarship — awarded to a business technology traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5. Must be employed full- or part-time. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Canton APICS — awarded to a student majoring in business management or applied industrial technology, traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Stephanie Flowers Endowed Scholarshipawarded to non-traditional, full- or part-time, enrolled in a entrepreneurship business degree or certificate program, and must be a Summit County resident. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Steve and Lisa Gregory Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional 1st year Freshman, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5, and enrolled in any degree or certificate. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Robert and Celine Hallier Endowed Scholarship — awarded to a business technology traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Institute of Management Accountants Student Club Scholarship  Awarded to eligible students enrolled at Stark State College meeting the following criteria: student(s) must be actively enrolled at SSC, an active member of the IMA Student Club, must be an Accounting, Finance or Business Management major and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. This scholarship requires a written essay from all applicants that will be blind – ranked by Accounting faculty. The student(s) receiving the highest rankings are eligible for a scholarship ranging up to a maximum amount of $500 per student(s) based on available funding levels. Applications are located at the Business Division Office. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Management and Marketing Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, enrolled in a Management & Marketing Program having completed at least 24 credit hours successfully in the degree major, minimum cumulative GPA 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Applications will be available in the Business and Entrepreneurial Studies Division Office. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Robert McLain Entrepreneurial Endowment Scholarship — Awarded traditional or non-traditional student(s), must be a Stark County resident, student(s) must maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale.  Eligible student(s) must be employed and may be enrolled full- or part-time in a Business Management Degree with a preference for an Entrepreneurial component with the interest in owning a business. Student(s) may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

Bernice E. Richey Honorary Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to either a traditional or non-traditional first-year student, enrolled in a business management major or degree, maintaining a GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale or with a minimum ACT score of 24 or higher. May be full- or part-time with a priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through means such as government grants or loans. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships. The award will be limited to the cost of tuition, books, and/or lab supplies. The amount of the award may vary.

Donald C. Mullen Honorary Endowed Scholarship awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50, with a preference for enrollment in Finance or Accounting degrees, must be a resident of Summit County and a High School graduate of Summit County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Daniel Schonhoft Accounting Technology Annual Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student enrolled in an accounting major, minimum GPA 2.8. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Tony and Sally Efremoff Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student(s), enrolled in a Culinary Arts program, have a recommendation from the Culinary Arts Department for this scholarship, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.  The award covers tuition, books, and lab fee, the scholarship is renewable, and student(s) may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Lally Eberhart Endowment for Culinary Arts — awarded to a culinary arts student(s) traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, and covers culinary fees and expenses beyond normal tuition and books.  For example, competition fees and/or uniforms would qualify. Recommendation from the Culinary Department required Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Kaboth Family Book Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), any degree with a preference for Culinary student(s), and who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. The award covers books only, student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Timothy O. Miller Endowed Scholarship — awarded to a culinary arts student(s) traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.8. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

James Wilkinson Memorial Culinary Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to student(s) enrolled in the Culinary Arts degree major, traditional or non-traditional student(s), and required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale.  The student(s) may be full- or part-time and should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Engineering Memorial Endowed Scholarship — Awarded traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time engineering technology major who has completed a minimum of 34 semester credit hours, minimum GPA 3.0.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Thomas and Deborah Chiappini Endowed Scholarship Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, enrolled in an electrical engineering program; student(s) in engineering technology will be considered, minimum cumulative GPA 2.6 on a 4.0 scale, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Scholarship — Awarded to traditional student(s) graduating from any Akron Public Schools’ High School and enrolled in the Engineering or Automotive Technology programs. Scholarship(s) may be used for tuition, fees and/or required books after all Grants, including Pell, have been applied. Student(s) must maintain at Stark State College a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale, enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credit hours with the maximum award period of two (2) years or four (4) semesters from their original enrollment at Stark State College. This scholarship is a secondary funding source after all Pell Grant has been applied. Maximum per semester, per student award amount not to exceed $1,000.

Daniel E. Gram Memorial Welding-Fabricating Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, engineering technology majors with a preference for Welding-Fabricating degree or certificate, minimum GPA 2.5. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

GRACO Engineering Technology Annual Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time engineering technology majors who are graduates of a Stark County high school,  minimum GPA 3.0.

T. Raymond Gregory Family Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, engineering technology majors enrolled in Automation and Robotics, minimum GPA 2.5. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Gene Haas Foundation Engineering Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s) enrolled in any machining-based Engineering program for credit, a certificate, or training. The award will cover tuition, books, and/or lab supplies. The student(s) may be full- or part-time but must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

John Hillery Memorial HVAC Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.  Eligible student(s) must be enrolled in the Engineering HVAC program and have a recommendation from the HVAC department. The award will cover tuition, books, and/or lab supplies. The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

Robert and Gladys Hinderer Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, and must be an engineering technology major with a cumulative minimum GPA 2.5. Students meeting the eligibility criteria may receive the scholarship from year-to-year, assisting students in completing their educational goals. Covers tuition, books, and lab fees. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Jim and Polly Hinderer Scholarship Endowment Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.  The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Eligible student(s) must be enrolled in an engineering technology program. Students who remain eligible may reapply for the scholarship from year-to-year and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Student(s) should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Dr. James C. and Sally K. Maloney Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to student(s) who is incoming as a freshmen and enrolled in Electrical, Electronic, or Computer Engineering with an ACT minimum score of 24 and/or compass math score of 65 and reading score of 80 or a returning sophomore student(s) with a minimum GPA of 2.9 on a 4.0 scale.  Student(s) must be either traditional or non-traditional and full-time only. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships. Attached required.

Daniel and Michelle Peyton Engineering Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), full- or part-time, enrolled in an engineering technology program, minimum cumulative GPA 2.6 on a 4.0 scale, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Students who remain eligible may reapply for the scholarship from year-to-year.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Henry C. Richey Honorary Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to either a traditional or non-traditional first-year student, enrolled in either the electrical/electronic or electro-mechanical major or degree, maintaining a GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale or with a minimum ACT score of 24 or higher. May be full- or part-time with a priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through means such as government grants or loans. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships. The award will be limited to the cost of tuition, books, and/or lab supplies. The amount of the award may vary.

Sorg Family Engineering Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50 with a preference for students enrolled in an Engineering degree, must be a graduate of Massillon Washington High School and be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Scott and Barbara Williams Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and also have a min. high school GPA of 2.5.  Eligible student(s) must be enrolled in the Environmental Health and Safety degree or OBR certificate. The award will cover tuition, books, and/or lab supplies. The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

Akron Children’s Hospital Endowment Scholarship — awarded to a new, first-time student taking 15 credit hours per semester, must reside in Stark or Summit County, must meet two of the following criteria:  High school minimum GPA 3.0, Top 25% of graduating class, ACT composite 22 or higher or qualifying COMPASS scores of 80 reading, 70/English, 54/math. Scholarship will be awarded to a student accepted and enrolled in the nursing, respiratory therapy or information technology program.  This academic scholarship is renewable each year for up to 4 semesters with minimum 15 credit hours completed each semester and a GPA 3.0. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Leon and Helene Albert Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student majoring in health technologies; minimum GPA 3.0.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Allied Dental Health Endowment Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s) in the Dental Hygiene, Dental Assisting, or EFDA programs, must be recommended by the Dental Department and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The award covers tuition, books, and lab fee, the student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Aultman Hospital Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student; minimum GPA 3.0. The student(s) must attend full-time, must reside in Stark County.Awards will be given to students accepted and enrolled in the following programs : Nursing, Medical Coding, Medical Transcription, Health Information Technology, PTA, OTA, Respiratory Care Technology and Medical Laboratory Technology. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Ed and Helen Bridges Honorary Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50 with a preference for students enrolled in an Engineering or Health degree or certificate. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Alice Cain PTA Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student enrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant program and have completed PTA second semester course PTA Procedures 1 (PTA 221) or the equivalent, and maintain a cumulative minimum GPA 2.5. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Kozy Corsaut and Kay Hanna Honorary Therapy and Wellness Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, recommended by the Therapy and Wellness Department, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 2.6 on a 4.0 scale, and enrolled in the MLT program as a first choice and a second round selection of any Therapy and Wellness program for qualified student(s) with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Students who remain eligible may reapply for the scholarship from year-to-year.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Health Foundation of Greater Massillon Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s) residing in eastern Wayne, northern Tuscarawas, and western Stark Counties, enrolled in any Health related program, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.  The award covers tuition, books, and lab fee, the student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Ruth Hess-Williams Health Sciences Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), enrolled and accepted in a Health Sciences Program at Stark State College, minimum GPA 3.0, a resident of Stark County or Wayne County as a secondary choice if funds remain. Funding will cover tuition, books, program fees, and licensure exam fees. Student(s) should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Doris Jean Huston Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student majoring in massage therapy, occupational therapy or physical therapy program, minimum GPA 2.6.  Student may reapply for this academic scholarship.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Mel Kallis Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full-time student majoring in medical laboratory program (MLT), must have completed at least one semester in the MLT Program, minimum GPA 2.7 in technical courses and minimum GPA of 2.5 in general courses.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Christopher and Stacy Remark Nursing Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional student(s) coming directly from a Stark County high school with two of the following:

  • A minimum unweighted high school GPA of 3.0
  • ACT composite score of 22+
  • Ranked in the top 25% of high school class

Must be enrolled full-time in the nursing degree with a minimum course load of 12 credit hours each semester, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, renewable each year for up to four (4) semesters with a minimum 12 credit hours completed each semester. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Wallace Linville Family Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student enrolled in a SSC Therapy and Wellness degree or certificate with a preference for Physical Therapy and a preference for graduates of Plain Local Schools or Lake Center Christian School, and  maintain a cumulative minimum GPA 3.0. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

McReter Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50 enrolled in a Science or Health degree and must be a resident of Summit County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Medical Mutual Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50 with a preference for a Health degree and must be a resident of wither Stark or Wayne County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Nursing & Respiratory Therapy Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50, must be enrolled in a Nursing or Respiratory degree. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Stark County Dental Society Scholarship  Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), must be enrolled in a Dental Hygiene program and be a resident of Stark, Wayne or Carroll Counties or have graduated from high school from Stark, Wayne or Carroll Counties, maintain a minimum overall cumulative GPA 2.75 on a 4.0 scale and maintain a minimum cumulative Dental Hygiene Coursework GPA 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, may be full- or part-time, 2nd year Dental Hygiene student(s) must also demonstrate excellence in two (2) or more dental hygiene service areas such as clinical assessment, planning, implementation and/or patient management skills, community service, patient education, special needs patient care, practice management skills or professional education and lifelong learning. Applications are required and available in the Dental Clinic or Health Division office with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Dr. John and Sheelah Westerbeck Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5, must be majoring in a medical program.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Division Chief Kerry Alan Ball Emergency Services Memorial Scholarship Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), must be a first-time student to the SSC Emergency Services program and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.  The student(s) may be full- or part-time, preference will be given to those student(s) in an Emergency Services Mentoring Program. Student(s) should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Stacie Cross Annual Paramedic Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, paramedic major, minimum GPA 2.0. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.  Application required. Deadline: January 30.

Dominion East Ohio Gas Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, Fire Science majors. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Katy Hatton, AKA Sara Kaaikaula Endowment Scholarship — Awarded to a new, first-time student coming directly from a Stark County high school taking 15 credit hours per semester, must reside in Stark or Summit County, and must meet two of the following criteria, High school minimum GPA 3.0, Top 25% of graduating class, ACT composite 22 or higher or qualifying ACCUPLACERr scores of 80/reading, 70/English, 54/math. Scholarship will be awarded to a student accepted and must be enrolled in the Human and Social Services Programs. This academic scholarship is renewable each year for up to 4 semesters with minimum 15 credit hours completed each semester and a GPA 3.0. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Jack B. Liberator Honorary EMS Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, recommended by the Emergency Services Department, minimum cumulative GPA 2.6 on a 4.0 scale, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Students who remain eligible may reapply for the scholarship from year-to-year.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Quincy McGuire Memorial Human and Social Services Endowed Scholarship  awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50, enrolled in a Human and Social Services degree with a preference for a Massillon Washington High School graduate, and student(s) must be a resident of Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Joan M. Picone Memorial Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student majoring in Health and Human Services; minimum GPA 3.0.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Fred Smith Criminal Justice Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, must be enrolled in the Criminal Justice and/or Police Science (OPOTA) 2-year degree programs, minimum cumulative GPA 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and must have completed twelve (12) credit hours of Criminal Justice (CJS) courses to be considered, and must be recommended by the Criminal Justice Department Chair of the Division Dean. Preference will be given to first-time candidates.  Students who remain eligible may reapply for the scholarship from year-to-year.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Marathon CDL Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student, enrolled in the CDL program under the Oil and Gas Department, and must have successfully passed the Hazmat Test background check and drug screening.  Must be nominated by the Oil & Gas Departmental Faculty. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Marathon Process Operations Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full-time only, minimum GPA 2.80 on a GPA 4.0 scale, enrolled in the Oil and Gas program and the Industrial Process Operation degree. Must be nominated by the Oil & Gas Departmental Faculty. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Oil & Gas Endowed Scholarship Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), must be enrolled in a declared Oil & Gas degree major or an Ohio Board of Regents approved certificate program in the Oil & Gas program, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 2.6 on a 4.0 scale, may be full- or part-time, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Kathleen and James Steere Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to either a traditional or non-traditional first-year student, enrolled in the oil and gas technology program with a preference for either, maintaining a GPA of 2.7 on a 4.0 scale or with a minimum ACT score of 24 or higher. May be full- or part-time with a priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through means such as government grants or loans. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships. The award will be limited to the cost of tuition, books, and/or lab supplies. The amount of the award may vary.

McReter Endowed Scholarship awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50 enrolled in a Science or Health degree and must be a resident of Summit County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Science Departments Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0, student must be enrolled in a Science Degree Program , must have completed one or more of the following; General Biology I, General Biology II, General Chemistry I, College Physics I, General Physics I, or Astronomy. Science Application Required.  Student(s) should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Other Scholarships

Droney Scholarship Endowment — Preference to U.S. Veteran, traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale.  The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Roger and Kathleen Mann Veterans Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to a veteran who received an honorable discharge, traditional or non-traditional student, full or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5.  This academic scholarship is renewable each year as long as student qualifies.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Rolling Thunder Ohio 2 Veterans Scholarship Endowment —  Must be a Veteran or active from any branch of the U.S. Military, preference for deployment experience, must be Honorably Discharged or still active, traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.  The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. The award will be limited to the cost of tuition, fees, and/or any part of books or required supplies. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Veteran’s Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to any branch of the U.S. Military and who received an honorable discharge, traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale.  The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. The award will be limited to the cost of tuition, fees, and/or any part of books or required supplies. Student(s) should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Dan Altieri Memorial Veteran’s Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to any branch of the U.S. Military or active duty service member or Reservist who received an honorable discharge, traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale.  The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. The award will be limited to the cost of tuition, fees, and/or required books and/or required supplies. Student(s) should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

SSC Veteran Emergency Fund This is not an academic scholarship. Awarded to qualified veteran students to assist with emergency needs beyond academics and needs that will assist the student in reaching academic completion and retention. Funding is limited.

Loew Family Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full or part-time student, must be a married parent caring for a dependent child, must maintain a minimum GPA 2.5 on a 4.0 GPA scale, covers tuition, books, lab fees, transportation costs, and child care expenses.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Zak & Ben Shreve Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full or part-time student, must be a single parent, must have declared the Associate of Arts degree under the Liberal Arts Division, minimum GPA 2.5 on a 4.0 GPA scale.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Harrison Bolgrin Endowed Scholarship — awarded to students(s) registered with the Stark State College Disability Support Services Department, traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, and preference given for hearing disability or impairment and student(s) must be registered with the Disability Services Department. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Disability Support Services Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to student(s) registered with the Disability Support Services Department, traditional or non-traditional, student(s) may be full- or part-time, required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6 on a 4.0 scale and must have successfully completed a minimum of 15 credit hours.  Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

Career Development Scholarship — Awarded to student(s) registered with the Career Development Department or Ohio Means Jobs, traditional or non-traditional, student(s) may be full- or part-time, required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale and have successfully completed a minimum of 15 credit hours.  The award covers tuition, books, and lab fees. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

Diebold Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Student must be unemployed and out of school more than 10 years; not Pell-eligible or eligible to receive educational grants, non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5. This academic scholarship is renewable each year as long as student qualifies.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Larry and Ginny Smerglia Endowed Scholarship — Student must be unemployed and out of school more than 10 years; May exhibit financial need, traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5. This academic scholarship is renewable each year as long as student qualifies. Students must file FAFSA and should complete the Foundation general application to be considered for this Foundation scholarship.

Larry Abel Memorial Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Alliance Works Scholarship Project — Awarded to Alliance High School traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.  Eligible student(s) may be enrolled in any degree or certificate program at Stark State College and must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credit hours. The scholarship will be awarded each semester for a maximum of two (2) years from the first date of enrollment and will only cover tuition after all Grants have been applied and utilized. This scholarship cannot be refunded. The student(s) may be full- or part-time with a minimum of six (6) credit hours each semester and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

Alumni Class Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, part- or full-time student, minimum GPA 2.5.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Dean M. Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.60 and student(s) must be a graduate of Timken or McKinley High Schools. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Canton City High School Scholarship — Must be a first-year student at Stark State College. Awarded to a recent Canton City High School graduate with a minimum GPA 2.5, enrolled full- or part-time. Any student filing their FAFSA before June 1 is automatically considered for Foundation scholarships.

Changing Lives-Building Futures SSC Summit County Endowed Scholarshipawarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0, enrolled in a degree or certificate program, and must be a Summit County resident. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Donald and Pauline Colaner Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full-time student, minimum GPA 2.6, Stark County resident.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

The College Store Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), registered in any degree or certificate program and who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. The award covers books and supplies purchased in the Stark State College Store, student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Corsaut Family Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0, enrolled in any degree program, and must be a first year/Freshman student (no prior college) and a first-generation student to attend higher learning. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Robert DeHoff Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Deuble Foundation Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

J. Edward and Janet Diamond Endowed Scholarship  awarded to traditional, full-time, minimum GPA 3.0 with an ACT score minimum of 22+, enrolled in any degree and must be a Stark County resident and a Stark County High School graduate. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Downtown Canton Endowed Scholarship  awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0, and enrolled in a degree program. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Dan and Sara Dyer Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.50, degree or OBR Certificate coursework, and must be a Family Partner with Habitat for Humanity. Specific application required. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Faculty Association Endowed Scholarship — awarded to students(s) enrolled at Stark State College, traditional or non-traditional student(s), full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0, and must have completed a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours successfully at SSC. Student(s) receiving this scholarship must be recommended by any SSC Faculty to the Association. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Janet Fisher Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Albert and Edith Flowers Charitable Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.8, must reside in Stark County.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

GAR Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full-time or minimum of 6 credit hours part-time, minimum GPA 2.0, high school graduate or GED equivalent, covers tuition, books, and lab fees. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

GAR Foundation Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, must reside in Summit County.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Garfield Stark State College Scholarship  Awarded to traditional student(s) graduating from Garfield High School, full time only (minimum 12 credit hours) and must complete an application with the Akron City Schools and/or Akron Promise. Maximum award period of two (2) years from original enrollment date at Stark State College. Covers tuition and fees after all Grants including Pell and scholarships have been applied. Scholarship includes cost of all required books not contingent on grants, enrolled in any degree or certificate program at Stark State College, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Students must file FAFSA* and complete the application with Akron City Schools to be considered for this Foundation scholarship.

Katherine Gessner and Michael Duplay Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0, and awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Doris Gibson Memorial Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0, and awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Jeromy Gibson Community Service Memorial Scholarship Project — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), registered in any degree or certificate program and who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Student(s) must submit proof of Community Service with a preference for ROTC. The award covers tuition, books and lab fees, student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

The Honorable Scott and Monica Rose Gwin Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional 1st year Freshman, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5, and enrolled in any degree or certificate. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Cheryl Van Lehn-Hamilton Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

William Haverlock Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0, minimum of 6 credit hours completed, and age requirement over 30 years. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Sharon B. Hays Memorial Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time student, minimum GPA 2.6, Stark County resident. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Herbert W. Hoover Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Hoover Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Jackson Local Schools Foundation Alumni Polar Bear Promise Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional Jackson Local High School graduate (from any year) with a minimum GPA of 2.5, full- or part-time student at Stark State with preference to students in their second year. Scholarship covers tuition, fees and required books/supplies after all grants have been applied. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Dick and Nancy Janson Memorial Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, enrolled in a degree or certificate program, minimum GPA 2.0, and have financial need after all grants have been applied. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Charity School of Kendal Scholarship — Must be a first-year student at Stark State College. Awarded to Geographic priority: Massillon, Western Stark County, and Stark County. High School Graduates that have not reached their 21st birthday. The qualified areas of study include health care, education, trades, agriculture, and blue collar fields. Financial Need shall be the most important factor.  Student(s) meeting the criteria and filing their FAFSA before June 1 will be automatically considered for Foundation scholarships.

Kimble Foundation Endowed Scholarship — awarded to a new, first-time student taking minimum 15 credit hours per semester coming directly from High School, must reside in Stark or a surrounding county, must meet two of the following criteria:

  • High school minimum GPA 3.0
  • Top 25% of graduating class
  • ACT composite 22 or higher

This academic scholarship is renewable each year for up to 4 semesters with minimum 15 credit hours completed each semester and a GPA 3.0. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Kismet Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Samuel Krugliak Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Longo Sports Medicine Endowed Scholarship–awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full-time, minimum GPA 2.50 and student(s) must have an ACT of 22+ and be enrolled in an Associate of Science degree. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

William and Sharon Luntz Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full-time, minimum GPA 2.8, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Christopher J. and Cynthia J. Maurer Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, enrolled in any degree or certificate program at Stark State College, minimum cumulative GPA 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Peter Maurin Center Emergency Fund Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, must be a Summit County resident, and a minimum GPA 2.0. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

John J. McGrath, Ed. D, Presidential Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Walter and Bess McIntosh Memorial Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to a first-generation college student, traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.8. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

R. C. Miller Scholarship — Awarded to traditional, new, first-time, full-time student(s) coming directly from high school to Stark State College with a minimum ACT score of 22+, rank in the high school class top 25%, must reside in Stark County and have graduated from a Stark County high school. Student(s) may be enrolled in any degree, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.  The award is renewable for four semesters and covers tuition, books, and lab fees. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

R. C. and Patricia A. Miller Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, and a minimum GPA 2.5. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs but must have immediate impact for student retention and/or completion. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Ron Miller Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to a new, first-time, Stark State College student taking a minimum 15 credit hours per semester, coming directly from a Stark County High School, must reside in Stark County, and must meet two of the following criteria: High school minimum GPA 3.0, Top 25% of graduating class, ACT composite 22 or higher. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Selena Myers Barberton Endowed Scholarship  awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s), full- or part-time, must be attending class at the SSC Akron Welding Center, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, one-time only award with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Physical Plant Department Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5 and any degree. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Pittman Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5 and must be Pell eligible, but not receiving a full Pell award. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Ada and Helen Rank Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.8, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Logan D. Reinsel Memorial Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.  Eligible student(s) may be enrolled in any technology at Stark State College, the award will cover tuition, books, lab fees and/or supplies with all grant funding applied first before the scholarship can be awarded, and preference will be given to students who have been previously awarded to promote completion. The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

Rohn Family Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Schiltz Family Charitable Fund Annual Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, graduate of a Stark County High School. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

William and Barbara Schiltz Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional, full-time, minimum GPA 3.0, graduate of a Stark County High School and a Stark County resident. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Laurie Shankle Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0, covers tuition, books, and lab fees. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Alexander and Gina Shannon Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Fred F. Silk Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 3.0, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Fred F. Silk Emergency Fund Award — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional, full- or part-time, and must be a Stark County resident. Awards can cover basic or emergency needs in addition to academic needs. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Margaret Smith Endowed Fund — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time.  This is not an academic scholarship.  The Interfaith Campus Ministry representative utilizes these funds for emergency needs of current students. Student must file their FAFSA before June 1st and meet with Interfaith Campus Ministries – Elizabeth Inkinen Schehl.

SSC Emergency Lamplighter Fund This is not an academic scholarship. Awarded to qualified students to assist with emergency needs beyond academics and needs that will assist the student in reaching academic completion and retention. Funding is limited.

Stark State College Trustees Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional, new, first-time, full-time student(s) enrolled in a minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours and coming directly from a Stark County High School to Stark State College with two of the following: a minimum ACT score of 22+, ranked in the high school class top 25%, or a high school unweighted GPA of 3.0.  Student(s) must be a resident of Stark County and have graduated from a Stark County high school. Student(s) may be enrolled in any degree, and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and maintain a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester.  The award is renewable for four semesters and covers tuition, books, and lab fees. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Stark Community Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, must reside in Stark County. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

James and Alice Stephens Endowed Scholarship — awarded to traditional, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.5 and any SSC degree or certificate. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Thomas Strouble Scholarship Project — Awarded to traditional Louisville high school student(s), registered in Math, Information Technology, or an Engineering degree and who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. The award covers tuition, books and lab fees, student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Student Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Timken Foundation Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.0. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Verlinich and Stepanovich Families Scholarship Endowment — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student(s) who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.  Eligible student(s) must be a Stark County Resident and obtained the majority of their secondary education in Stark County. Student(s) may be enrolled in any degree or certificate at Stark State College, the award will cover tuition, books, and/or lab fees and preference will be given to students who have been previously awarded to promote completion. The student(s) may be full- or part-time and may exhibit financial need, with priority given to those whose financial need cannot be met through other means such as government grants and loans. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for other Foundation scholarships.

Patricia Wackerly and Gene DeChellis Endowed Scholarship  Awarded to traditional, new, first-time, full-time student(s) enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours and coming directly from a Stark County High School to Stark State College with two of the following: a minimum ACT score of 22+, ranked in the high school class top 25%, or a high school unweighted GPA of 3.0.  Student(s) must be a resident of Stark County and have graduated from a Stark County high school. Student(s) may be enrolled in any degree, and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and maintain a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours each semester.  The award is renewable for four semesters and covers tuition, books, and lab fees. Student(s) should file FAFSA before June 1 and/or complete the Foundation General application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Jeffery and Brenda Walters Endowed Scholarship — awarded to a new, first-time student taking minimum 15 credit hours per semester coming directly from a Stark County High School, must meet two of the following criteria; High school minimum GPA 3.0, Top 25% of graduating class, ACT composite 22 or higher. This academic scholarship is renewable each year for up to 4 semesters with minimum 15 credit hours completed each semester and a GPA 3.0. Student should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Charles and Virginia West Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, must reside in Carroll County or Stark County. Covers tuition, books, lab fees, transportation, and child care. Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Ervin and Marie Wilkof Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, must reside in Stark County.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Edward and Ruth Wilkof Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, minimum GPA 2.6, must reside in Stark County.   Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

Dale and Marguerite Young Endowed Scholarship — Awarded to traditional or non-traditional student, full- or part-time, must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours, minimum GPA 3.0.  Students should file FAFSA* before June 1 and complete the Foundation general application to be considered for Foundation scholarships.

* While filing FAFSA is not mandatory for all scholarships, it is still recommended in all cases.

NOTE: New endowed scholarships are added to the appropriate category as the endowment matures and produces funds for disbursement.

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